Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More Renvoation Plans

We have decided to add on to the back of the house including a garage. The back bedroom will be extended 5 feet back to make the space 13' 6 1/2" by 15' 2 1/2" instead of 13' 6 1/2" by 9' 1 1/2". It will truly be a master bedroom. Attached to the back of the house will be a 23' by 22' two car garage will extra space for storage. These two additions will make the house much more valuable with a real master bedroom and a nice garage for parking and storage. The great part about them is the house will have modern features but with the charm of a historical house.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Plans are Done... Ready to Go!

We have completed the multiple revisions and finally have plans for the renovation for 730 Omar. It took a lot longer than expected, but we know have a very roomy, nice, functional 3 bedroom / 2 bathroom house. Below are the plans. The first one is the old layout. The second one is the new layout.