Friday, August 28, 2009

Garage is Complete

The framers completed the garage and addition.  They added siding around the addition and replaced the rotten old siding.  The addition and old house are starting to look like one house.  It almost feels as though the garage has been there since the beginning.  

Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Photos of Construction

The Garage

View from the Inside of Master Bedroom into the Garage

View from the Garage into the Master Bedroom
Notice the addition from the new back wall to the old back wall

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Addition/ Garage have started

Today was a very productive day. The lumber was delivered at noon and construction on the garage and addition began. It is amazing how fast the framers are. From slab to frame, it was all completed within 4 to 5 hours.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Slab is Poured!

So exciting to see the garage and the addition beginning.  The slab has been poured for the garage.  The garage will have 2 extra feet of storage on the sides and back of the garage.    Next, the lumber will be purchased and construction will begin again.   Pictures to follow soon!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Preparing for Concrete

The Last Week: After getting the 2nd building permit, it was time to get to work.  The first step is pouring the concrete for the slab foundation for the garage.  In this case, we had to get 3 bids for the pricing to make sure we were getting the most competitive pricing.  Then, the company scrapped and prepared the ground prior to building the forms for the slab.  The forms were then laid in place.  On last Friday, the inspector visited the site and requested that we stake the property in order for the inspector to visualize the property line.  Inspection #2 on the forms will be tomorrow.