Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Demo continues

The house is really opening up. Today, the walls between the old living room/ dining room, bedroom and kitchen on the right side of the house are down. The space is revealed and looking amazing. The entertaining side of the house will be huge.

Friday, April 24, 2009

We have Stairs!

During the initial due diligence stage of the house, one of the main problems with 730 Omar is that there were no stairs from the first story up into the 2nd story room. The previous owners used a ladder. The house has a great room that was added above the living room. One of the first things that attracted me to the house was the room upstairs and the potential for either a 3rd bedroom or home office. And today, after much debate and delay, we have finally figured out the stairs. Hoorah!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Demo begins

Today, we began the initial demo on 730 Omar. We are taking down all the walls on the inside on the right side of the house. The plans regarding this side of the house is to open the space up all the way from the living room through the dining room and into the kitchen. The house will definitely have great space for entertaining. Here are the photos from the first wall between the living room and dining room being exposed and the space is amazing. I can't wait to see the rest.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Here are some Before photos... Can't wait to see the After photos!
Back bedroom - Future Master Bedroom
Other Living - Future 2nd Bedroom

Only Bathroom

One of two kitchens
The other kitchen
Dining Room looking into Living Room
Living Room

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Story of 730 Omar

During the due diligence process of the purchasing 730 Omar, I was able to meet the current owners of the house and they told me the history of the duplex.  The house was built in the 1920's, which most of the houses in the Heights were built around this time.  The house is technically a original owner house when I purchased it.  The prior owners were two twin sisters who lived together.  One sister lived on each side of the duplex; however, they shared a bathroom.

The sisters collected art over their lifetime and the house's walls were covered with paintings. The last sister passed in 1993 and the house was then passed on to the family members but never lived in.  It was maintained but just remained empty.  

The old floorplan included the following layout: On the right side of the house, there was a living room, dining room, small bedroom and kitchen. On the left side of the house, there was a living room, kitchen, bathroom and small bedroom.   The room on the top of the house was added in the 1970's but without stairs.  The previous owners used an old ladder to get up to the room.  

And now the story of 730 Omar will continue with a complete renovation...

Friday, April 3, 2009


Today was a very exciting yet scary day.  This morning, I closed on a house located at 730 Omar in the Woodland Heights. The house is an 1920's duplex that will be renovated into a single family residence.  I found it about a month and a half ago when I began the search for a house in the Heights to flip.  I love the historical aspects of Heights house.  I saw so much potential in this house that I decided to purchase it to renovate, add on and eventually sell.  It is going to be a complete renovation of the existing structure to keep the Heights bungalow feel but bring it up to today's standards. Saving one bungalow at a time...