Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Story of 730 Omar

During the due diligence process of the purchasing 730 Omar, I was able to meet the current owners of the house and they told me the history of the duplex.  The house was built in the 1920's, which most of the houses in the Heights were built around this time.  The house is technically a original owner house when I purchased it.  The prior owners were two twin sisters who lived together.  One sister lived on each side of the duplex; however, they shared a bathroom.

The sisters collected art over their lifetime and the house's walls were covered with paintings. The last sister passed in 1993 and the house was then passed on to the family members but never lived in.  It was maintained but just remained empty.  

The old floorplan included the following layout: On the right side of the house, there was a living room, dining room, small bedroom and kitchen. On the left side of the house, there was a living room, kitchen, bathroom and small bedroom.   The room on the top of the house was added in the 1970's but without stairs.  The previous owners used an old ladder to get up to the room.  

And now the story of 730 Omar will continue with a complete renovation...

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