Sunday, June 21, 2009

New Siding

A lot of progress was made in the last day and a half.  The bedroom upstairs received its exterior face with new siding.  The windows were placed in the framing and it is starting to look like a house again.  In addition to windows being added, windows were also removed and the walls were closed in.  One window was moved from the old kitchen along with two windows and a door were removed in the new guest bath.  Other major work included the rough-in work on the plumbing.  I can't wait to see what happens this next week.  

The new siding on the upstairs bedroom

The windows are in

The window in the old kitchen is gone

Windows and door are removed

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Past Week

This past week, the framer has been in the house all week working on finishing the room upstairs, creating new doorways, creating the head room for the stairs and starting to put the new siding on the upstairs room.  We were delayed a little this week due to inspections.  The good news is that we passed both the windstorm inspection and the framing inspection.  It is really starting to take form.  Here are the latest photos.  

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 5 & 6

The framers have been working long and hard over the past week and especially in the past 2 days.  The room what was torn down earlier in the week has now been reconstructed.  The room has been built to code.  In addition, we changed the pitch of the roof to match the pitch of the porch and the traditional 1920's bungalow.  We extended the roof line over in order to make room for the stairs.  Below is the before and after pics of the room (Notice the new roof line)



Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 4

Day 4 is the official day that I freaked out.  I pulled up to the house to see the room upstairs was gone.  Not kind of gone, but completely gone.  The roof, the walls, the windows... everything gone. I was not expecting this today.  Come to find out it was all part of the plan since the room was not completely build to code.  It was better to remove it and add it back rather than fix the previous room.  The floors were also not sturdy enough to hold furniture so we replaced the floors with 2' X 12' rather than 2' X 4', which was there before.   It was a good thing that the previous owners never placed any furniture up there because it would have never held.  Now, the floor is completely sound and ready to be bedroom or office.  

The destruction

The new upstairs floor

Why I freaked out?  

The Brick Column

As you may remember on Day 3, the brick column was taken down because it was leaning and needed repair.  Today, on Day 4, the column was repaired and I have to say he did an amazing job. It looks like new! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 3

Construction on the house began this past Monday.  The framers started with finishing the demolition to the interior walls.  Then, they began taking doorways out, enclosing doorways, creating new doorways and halls.  And today, 730 Omar finally has its stairs that it has been waiting on for over 20 years.  The upstairs was previously accessed through 
a hole in the ceiling with an old ladder.  Now, you can easily walk up the stairs into the room.  It has been a very exciting day.  Tomorrow, the roof comes off!

The New Stairs

The New Stairs and Hall Closet

Demo and Lumber

Reconstruction of the Brick Columns

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Finally, after 3 visits with the City and changes to the plans, we finally received the building permits today. It is a much need sigh of relief to place the Yellow Building Permit on the house. The framer will begin his work tomorrow and progress with start to be seen.