Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 4

Day 4 is the official day that I freaked out.  I pulled up to the house to see the room upstairs was gone.  Not kind of gone, but completely gone.  The roof, the walls, the windows... everything gone. I was not expecting this today.  Come to find out it was all part of the plan since the room was not completely build to code.  It was better to remove it and add it back rather than fix the previous room.  The floors were also not sturdy enough to hold furniture so we replaced the floors with 2' X 12' rather than 2' X 4', which was there before.   It was a good thing that the previous owners never placed any furniture up there because it would have never held.  Now, the floor is completely sound and ready to be bedroom or office.  

The destruction

The new upstairs floor

Why I freaked out?  

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